Friday, December 21, 2007


We spent most of our Fall weekends at NC State Football games. I am slowly becoming a State fan (unless they are playing ECU). Here are some pictures at some of the games.


Our last day there we had a picnic at the Tybee Island Pier and walked to the top of the lighthouse.

We spent one day in Savannah and went on a carriage ride, ate at Lady and Son's (Paula Deen's Restaurant) and went on a ghost tour that night. Savannah is such a beautiful city. The next time we go we are going to go on a Civil War Tour!!

One day we rode our bikes all over the island and got some icecream and went down to the pier.

We then drove down to Savannah GA for a few days. We stayed at this cute little creekside cottage on Tybee Island.

On our wedding night we went to Wrightsville Beach, NC and stayed it the Sunspree. We had a beautiful suite on the ocean!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Wedding Pics!!!

Here are some pictures that friends took!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I'm Married!!!!

Well, gosh, where to start. I am still working on getting wedding pictures on a disk so those will come later.
We did have the wedding of our dreams. All we wanted was God to be glorified and for the wedding to be a worshipful event and from everything we have heard it was. On top of that the decorations were beautiful, the bridesmaids were beautiful (I guess the groomsmen were too). The cake was to die for (I dreamt about it last night). It was the perfect day.
I have now been married for almost two months. Marriage is wonderful! There has been some adjustment on both ends, and I know it will continue. I do enjoy cooking for someone (he does the dishes!) and having someone to come home to. We had a wonderful honeymoon in Savannah GA. We stayed on Tybee Island which is wonderful. We did make it to Paula Deen's restaurant, Lady & Sons. I had the best fried chicken in the world and of course all the vegetables were covered in butter and cheese. We took a nice carriage ride around the city and also went on a haunted ghost walk one night. Savannah is a beautiful city full of history. We are already looking forward to going back again.
It has been hard making new married friends. There were so many activities for the singles that it was easy to get to know each other. We have been going to a Sunday School class for married couples that has been great. We are studying how to minister together which is something that Brian and I want to do. Our teachers are a married couple that lead by example. We are slowly getting to know people in the class. Another neat thing is that Brian and I have gotten together with some of my friends who are married. It's fun to hang out as a couple. It's rejuvenate some friendships! So far Brian enjoys hanging out with my friends and their husbands.
I'm looking forward to growing old with Brian and seeing where God leads us!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The weekend of 11

Last weekend Brian and I celebrated our 11 month anniversary AND 11 weeks till our wedding!

Showers are getting scheduled and gifts being bought!! It's lots of fun. I feel like it is Christmas when I was a little kid and would sneak downstairs and unwrap gifts before Christmas. I will go online and see what things have been bought.

I just can't wait to be a wife. To be married and come home at night and fix dinner. Although Brian did heat up a pizza for us he other night. It was so nice to come home to dinner being ready. I know that God has called me to be a wife and mother and with it all (marriage first) is getting closer the better I feel and the more right things feel. couldn't ask for anyone better than Brian. We fit so perfectly together. It's the best.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last singles trip...

Brian and I are going on our last singles retreat...It's all kinda sad but very happy at the same time. It's like we have to say good-bye to one group of friends and start hanging out with another. Not that we can't or won't hang out with our single friends but we can't go to the single events anymore. I'm glad that Brian has been at the church for so long cause he knows a lot of married couples who used to be in singles with him, so there is some of our married friends.

We have been working on registering. Who knew how long that would take. We haven't even finished with one store yet. It's so much fun to run around with that little gun and shoot things you want (I haven't let Brian use the gun yet). Now let's just home someone wants to buy me that $300 mixer I registered for.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

4 Months

Things I think are starting to slow down, maybe. I haven't done anything for the wedding in at least a month. I am now only working one job, moved in with mom and dad and ready to start planning. We have a lot done but I still feel like there is so much to do. I still have a full schedule and everytime I think I will have a slow weekend something gets added to the list. Oh well, I'm having lots of fun and spending time with family (both sides)! I have two months before my dress has to go in for alterations so I am trying to be good and eat right and workout. Brian and I are going to start working out in the AM together. He came over to my place this morning at 5:20 and we went out for 3 miles. It was nice seeing him first thing in the morning. We also know this will help us get our Quiet Time done in the mornging. I am hopeing to keep this going better than before. I still need to get my computer hooked up in my room. Later!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Is it Sept. 15th yet?

Those words have been coming out my mouth (and Brian's) almost everyday. We have done a lot of planning and there is still so much more to do. I will be moving out of my apartment and into my parents at the end of April. I am working on packing and getting rid of a lot of stuff. I'll miss my little apartment but moving also means I am quitting my second job!!! I am looking forward to normal weekends again. Brian and I have decided to live at his condo (he owns it). I am ready to start making it home for us. My inner Martha Stewart is ready to come out. I have also been watching a lot of HGTV. We will see, we both have to move past the college apartment look.
Once I am moved in with my parents and only working one job I will try to blog more often. Love ya'll!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

February 1, 2007

February 1, 2007 was Brian and my 6 month anniversary. I was all excited because I had gotten Brian the DVD of Invincible. That was the first movie we ever went and saw together. There was also a chance of a snow day that day and I thought it would be cool to be able to spend the day together. The night before we went to the Gathering at church and then went back to my place and watched the end of the State basketball game. After that the news came on and I fell asleep. Shortly after midnight Brian woke me up and told me happy anniversary. He told me he had something for me and he reached into his pocket and my first thought was, he got me a ring! Then he just pulled out a piece of paper. In our premarital class we had to write why we loved each other and that what he had. He read it to me and I cried. Then he said he had something else for me. He walked over to his coat and pulled out a little black box. My heart started racing as he walked over to me and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!!!! I love Brian so much. When we are together everything feels right. I can be having a terrible day and the moment his arms go around me everything is ok. And now you might want to know when the big day is,,,we are getting married at our church here in Raleigh on September 15, 2007.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm so confused...

Ok, so I have posted a picture taken on Sunday and then one taken today. On Sunday I was driving around with the convertible top down and now today we have snow. The weather has been like this all winter (ok, so this was the first snow). We have gone from the 70's to the 40's all in the span of 48 hours almost every week. I have really enjoyed the warm weather, although today going into work late was great. I haven't had anything off (even part of a day) due to the weather since college.

I do enjoy snow. I have this one memory from living in MI that will always stick with me. It was early spring and I woke up one Sunday morning to go for a run and it had snowed overnight. By early spring you are just ready for the snow to go away so I was kinda sad to see more. You see, when it first snows it is pretty, but after a few hours and the snowplow has come by the snow is dirty and ugly. While out running I saw that all the ugly snow had been covered I was reminded how in Isaiah 1:18 is says: "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." That is something I always remember when the snow is fresh.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I think 2007 is going to be a great year, actually, I know it's going to be a great year. It will be a busy year with hopefully some big a wonderful changes.

Back in like August of 2005 I went to a Durham Bulls game with a group from my LifeClass at church. There I met Brian Simmons and totally thought he was cute and I wanted to get to know him better. Fast forward to April 1, 2006 and we are both at a Final Four party with church and I sit myself down next to him for the whole time and we talked. He is also in the same Bible Study I am in so we are slowly getting to know each other. In June (I think) we start unwilling each other and getting to know each other better. We both like the Carolina Hurricanes and after we won the Stanley Cup we were talking and he had the final game on tape. Being the sneaking person I am I ask him if he will make a copy of it for me. The game came out on DVD, which I got for my birthday, but I keep asking Brian to tape the game. Finally, we set a time for me to drop off my VCR and a tape. While I am getting everything together I get a call and have to run to the office for a few minutes. I call Brian to let him know I will be late and he askes if I would like to go out to dinner that night. So we had our first date on August 1, 2006 at Chili's (his favorite).

Things are serious and we are going to a LifeClass at church called 'Before You Say "I Do" which is to help you get ready for marriage. Now all I have to do is wait for him to talk to my parents and then ask me to marry him!!!!