Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm so confused...

Ok, so I have posted a picture taken on Sunday and then one taken today. On Sunday I was driving around with the convertible top down and now today we have snow. The weather has been like this all winter (ok, so this was the first snow). We have gone from the 70's to the 40's all in the span of 48 hours almost every week. I have really enjoyed the warm weather, although today going into work late was great. I haven't had anything off (even part of a day) due to the weather since college.

I do enjoy snow. I have this one memory from living in MI that will always stick with me. It was early spring and I woke up one Sunday morning to go for a run and it had snowed overnight. By early spring you are just ready for the snow to go away so I was kinda sad to see more. You see, when it first snows it is pretty, but after a few hours and the snowplow has come by the snow is dirty and ugly. While out running I saw that all the ugly snow had been covered I was reminded how in Isaiah 1:18 is says: "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." That is something I always remember when the snow is fresh.

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