Tuesday, May 08, 2007

4 Months

Things I think are starting to slow down, maybe. I haven't done anything for the wedding in at least a month. I am now only working one job, moved in with mom and dad and ready to start planning. We have a lot done but I still feel like there is so much to do. I still have a full schedule and everytime I think I will have a slow weekend something gets added to the list. Oh well, I'm having lots of fun and spending time with family (both sides)! I have two months before my dress has to go in for alterations so I am trying to be good and eat right and workout. Brian and I are going to start working out in the AM together. He came over to my place this morning at 5:20 and we went out for 3 miles. It was nice seeing him first thing in the morning. We also know this will help us get our Quiet Time done in the mornging. I am hopeing to keep this going better than before. I still need to get my computer hooked up in my room. Later!

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