Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last singles trip...

Brian and I are going on our last singles retreat...It's all kinda sad but very happy at the same time. It's like we have to say good-bye to one group of friends and start hanging out with another. Not that we can't or won't hang out with our single friends but we can't go to the single events anymore. I'm glad that Brian has been at the church for so long cause he knows a lot of married couples who used to be in singles with him, so there is some of our married friends.

We have been working on registering. Who knew how long that would take. We haven't even finished with one store yet. It's so much fun to run around with that little gun and shoot things you want (I haven't let Brian use the gun yet). Now let's just home someone wants to buy me that $300 mixer I registered for.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

4 Months

Things I think are starting to slow down, maybe. I haven't done anything for the wedding in at least a month. I am now only working one job, moved in with mom and dad and ready to start planning. We have a lot done but I still feel like there is so much to do. I still have a full schedule and everytime I think I will have a slow weekend something gets added to the list. Oh well, I'm having lots of fun and spending time with family (both sides)! I have two months before my dress has to go in for alterations so I am trying to be good and eat right and workout. Brian and I are going to start working out in the AM together. He came over to my place this morning at 5:20 and we went out for 3 miles. It was nice seeing him first thing in the morning. We also know this will help us get our Quiet Time done in the mornging. I am hopeing to keep this going better than before. I still need to get my computer hooked up in my room. Later!