Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catch Up

I know I am way behind on updating this, I am going to add mostly pictures. Things are going great. It seems after Matthew's first birthday he is afraid of the Happy Birthday song. These may not be in any real order.I need to upload some pictures from the camera. Enjoy the few pictures I uploaded and I will someday learn to add video.

I'm working for Santa!

Matthew eating some berry mix. He is such a good eater!

Matthew got some great blocks for Christmas!

He didn't really understand opening his presents.
My first Christmas!
Matthew and Papa! (this might be Thanksgiving).

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

World's Cutest Little Dude!!!

Dressed and ready for Easter. "He has risen indeed"
All ready for church. He is just TOO CUTE!

When I sleep I dream of football "TOUCHDOWN"
Ready for a walk on a pretty spring day!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's a BOY!!!!

Matthew Robert Simmons

Born January 24th, 2010

7 lbs. 5 oz.
21 inches long

He is perfect!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Second Wedding Anniversary

In September we went to OBX for our 2nd anniversary. We drove ALL of Highway 12 while down there.

Brian and I being silly on the beach.

Currituck Lighthouse
At the top
I'm glad they have landings to rest on and no time limit to get to the top.
Up at the top of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

Playing Catch Up

Ok, let me see if I remember what has happened since Easter.

I got pregnant. And am due in a week. Yes, I am that behind. Here are some cute baby pictures.

Here I am about 5 months pregnant.

I think I am around 7 months pregnant.

This is our Christmas card

I can't wait to kiss these baby feet!

Baby Simmons looks like Brian!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Easter 2009

The Oliver's Easter Celebration!

Brian with his Easter Egg (they had cash in them).

I found my egg!

Kim looking for Easter Eggs.

Robb's Easter Egg was hiding in a tree!

Brian and I played Corn Hole with my sister and mother-in-law. Brian and I kick Corn Hole Butt!

My brother and dad playing Ladder Ball

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weekend in the Triad

Upward Basketball!!!

Bladen running out onto the court.
Bladen in action!


Jaxon's Birthday Party!!

Jaxon, the birthday boy!
Look at all the presents!

Brian, the big kid.

Visiting the Roten Family!
Me and Celeste
One of my best friends Emily (and Celeste's mother)
Brian and Celeste!

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Happy New Year!!!!!

As always I set my New Year's Resolutions. Sad thing is, is they are pretty much the same ones from last year. Although, some of these will always be on the list.

1. Spend time DAILY with God!
Do a morning Quite Time
Pray and do couples devotion with Brian everyday
Keep up with my weekly Bible Study
Memorize Psalm 119
2. Continue to grow more in love with Brian!
3. Live off Brian's paycheck every month!
4. Drop down to a healthier weight!
Walk or run in the mornings
Lift weights and do yoga
Cut out nightly desserts
Pick healthy choices when eating out
Eat & prepare smaller portions with extra fruits and veggies
Watch the white carb and sugar intake
5. Read at least one non-fiction book a month!

There they are. Please feel free to ask me how I'm doing!