Saturday, December 27, 2008

Here we go again...

I wasn't to good about my diet over the holiday's. It's hard with all the goodies that came into the office. I need to work on self-control and discipline. So, I started my diet again on Dec. 26th. I figure I might as well get a jump on it. So, here are my "before" pictures for round 2.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Weight Update

I didn't do so well in September but still lost some...

September October

Friday, September 19, 2008

First Wedding Anniversary!

Brian planned a short trip for our first anniversary. I didn't know where we were going. It was a great surprise!
Waterfront in Little Washington.
He surprised me with a few stops along the way.
Waterfront in Bath.
Our final destination was Nags Head! We stayed at First Colony Inn (which I highly recommend).
The front entrance to the inn was so cute!

Brian and I got up to watch the sunrise.

It was so beautiful.

We climbed to the top of Jocky's Ridge, that is a climb.

We went to the Wright Brothers Memorial! It was neat seeing how far things have come in just 100 years.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Weight Loss Journey

I can't believe I am sharing these with whoever reads this. I was inspired by a friend who posted hers and she is looking great (not that she ever looked bad). I started being serious about losing weight last month and have already lost 10 pounds. I'll post pictures every month!

When I came out for Brian to take these pictures he told me I looked sexy! Everyone needs a man like Brian!!! I am very blessed!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Yes, I love wrestling...


RAW Diva's


Shaun Michaels!

Brian and I

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame...

Brian and I have made it to a few baseball games this summer! They've been so much fun!!!

We went to a Kinston Indians game. That was cool. It had been years since I had been to one of their games.

The Kinston Indians are a farm team of the Cleveland Indians which is one of Brian's favorite teams.We also went to a Mud Cats game.

My daddy came with us too! I loved spending time with my
two favorite guys!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Old Friends

Since moving back to NC I have had the great privilage of reuniting with old friends from college. I also had the chance to mend some old friendships (which ment the world to me). Not much has changed since college, except getting married and having kids, but everyone was still very much the same, just enhanced with their new roles. So, here are some pictures!

Jason and Sanders watching a game of cornhole.

Brian and Wade playing cornhole.

Charlie and the boys playing ball.

Shaun and his boy Seth.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hilton Head

We went to Hilton Head with my parents for a long weekend over Memorial Day.

We spent a lot of time riding our bikes around. It was loads of fun.

We also saw lots of wild life!!!!

We played a fun game of putt-putt (Simmons vs. Olivers). We won't talk about who won.

One evening we went out and sailed on the Welcome. It was great. We actually could see Savannah and Tybee Island off in the distance. It was very romantic!!

Brian's First Race!!

Brian and I went do to run the Oak Island Lighthouse 5K on April 12th.

We had a little run in on the way down. Luckily we still made it there.

Brian and I had a great race! I am so proud of him. We ran the whole race, finished and came just seconds from our goal time.

Afterwards we hung out in Southport and took the ferry over to Wrightsville Beach.

We also had a family picture taken.